1) CEUI In-Service Courses are held each year for Spring semester and Fall semester. These courses are free to members and are held on state time. However, agencies must approve your attendance, and some agencies limit you to classes that are related to your current job (which is permitted by the CBA), but many agencies will not limit you as such. The Union will communicate the course catalog and application to members through email when it is available. Applications must be submitted directly to your Agency’s Training Approval Officer (TAO) and class seats are assigned based on seniority.
2) State Technical High Schools evening extension courses are held each year for Spring semester and Fall semester. Members can take any of the specific courses at the specified schools (off state time). The members only fee is the registration fee that the school charges (usually $50 per course) and the voucher from the Union covers the cost of the course(s). A member must request a voucher from the Union for us to pay for the course prior to registering as it needs to be given to the school at the time of registration and no later than the first day of class. Members do not need to be a registered apprentice to take advantage of these courses. For your reference, here is the link to the catalog and registration information for this option:
3) Tuition Reimbursement is available for members who have completed their working test period. Courses can be taken at any accredited college (not limited to Connecticut schools). Your Agency Tuition Reimbursement Officer (TRO) can provide the paperwork that would need to be completed and submitted to the Agency prior to beginning any course(s). The TRO can also answer any specific questions about the process and can confirm if a specific school is accredited and approved. Once approved, you register for the course(s) and pay for the course up front. After successfully passing the course, you submit proof of completion and payment to your TRO. Reimbursement for credit courses is 100% of the cost of tuition, laboratory fees and community college service fees up to a maximum of 75% of the per credit rate for undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Connecticut at Storrs. Reimbursement for non-credit courses will be 100% of cost of tuition, laboratory fees and community college service fees up to a maximum of 50% of the per credit rate for undergraduate and graduate courses at the University of Connecticut at Storrs. Our NP-2 bargaining unit requires a priority log which means that members are paid based on their relative position on the priority log and payment is also contingent upon availability of funds.
4) Members may attend workshops, seminars, and conferences that are educational and beneficial to you and your agency. A maximum of one thousand ($1,000) dollars will be allowed for any one attendance and the maximum number that you can attend is two conferences, workshops or seminars per contract year. The funds will be used for fees and/or travel expenses including meals and lodging. You must complete a Travel Authorization form from your agency prior to registering. You pay for the conference in advance; after the conference you must submit all receipts to your agency for reimbursement.
5) Private Occupational Schools in the state offer courses eligible for tuition reimbursement up to a maximum of 50% of rates at UConn/Storrs. Here is a link to the approved Private Occupational Schools: CDL Training and Private Tech Schools would fall under this category. Members who have completed their working test period are eligible. Your Agency Tuition Reimbursement Officer (TRO) can provide the paperwork that would need to be completed and submitted to the Agency prior to beginning any course(s). The TRO can also answer any specific questions about the process. Our NP-2 bargaining unit requires a priority log which means that members are paid based on their relative position on the priority log and payment is also contingent upon availability of funds
CEUI © 2020 | All Rights Reserved I Designed by
110 Randolph Road, Middletown CT 06457 US 860-343-8700 Office Administrator Tracy Deegan
Political Director Alisha Blake Communications Coordinator Kate Sullivan